"as easy as pie"

PieCoin is the cryptocurrency made for simplicity. PieCoin will take cryptocurrency to a place where getting and sending your cryptocurrency is as easy as receiving an email or posting to social media. PieCoin is the catalyst that takes cryptocurrency over the cusp and into the hands of the masses.

  • Use Pie coin to send money online in social network to friends and family around the world.
  • Our methods will make you smile.
  • Our simple software makes using your PIE a breeze.
  • Friendly and secure, trusted by the community.
  • PIE can be used in many different ways.
  • No more stuffy currency for uptight people. Enjoy yourself a little.
  • Sending payments should be as easy as sending a message.

Get some PIE now

Fast and Secure

By using link or QR code, you don't have to worry that someone can steal your login information or password.

Easy to Use

PieCoin is about making virtual currency available to the masses by making it tasty and familiar to use.

Instant payment, Anytime Anywhere

Make a transfer without a credit card, or bank. Keep the contact and maintain proximity

Proof-of-stake (POS)

PIE coin is based on proof-of-stake. The current POS rate is 20% per annum. You can earn PIEs just by holding the PIE coins in the wallet with active nodes, supporting the PIE network.

Social friendly

Just like any other digital platform, a virtual currency platform use social network and bring us a part of pie smile.

Develop yourself

Be part of a community, develop team spirit and cooperation.

Download Wallets

A PIE wallet is like a oven, where we bake our PIE. It is where your PIE Coins can be kept securely and used when you want and wherever you are. Please note, it will take several hours for your core wallet to completely sync with the network before recent PIE transactions will display.

For Windows


For Mac


For Raspberry (Ubuntu Mate)


For Linux (Ubuntu)


For Linux PieCoindCommand



Upcoming Project

PIE Masternode -Instant, Secure, Anonymous & Untraceable!

And for those who have a huge appetite, it will be possible to bake PIEs: and store these warm PIEs in your homes. There is a unique peer-to-peer network fully incited. Masternode owners ensure the integrity of the blockchain and masternodes owners are rewarded for validating, storing and servicing the blockchain to users of PIE.
Masternodes are a new, highly secure alternative to provide a variety of decentralized services, such as instant transactions and governance, at low-cost while eliminating network attacks under the community’s responsibility. What better way to do it than by eating one pie after another. Watch out though you don’t want to get indigestion.

Upcoming Project

PIE Social Sending

PieCoin is virtual currency that was made for anyone in the world to instantly send and receive virtual currency. People shouldn’t need complicated software or advanced knowledge of cryptocurrency to get paid or send payment.
PieCoin Social Sending makes it possible for people to send payment directly to another person through social media.

Upcoming Project

Buy real pie with PIE Coin

PIE Coin can be any flavor and used in all sorts of ways. From the shell to the core, Simply want to please or delight your loved ones, Why not send them a PIE? Buying online has never been easier, PIE Coin offers several possibilities transfer its delicacies. Use a pie to make instant and private payments online or in-store using our links or QR code, develop your partnerships worldwide and send the PIE smile already approved by thousands of users.


PieCoin is virtual currency that exists on a peer-to-peer network of computers. Using the PieCoin network it is possible for anyone in the World to instantly send and receive the virtual currency.

Early June 2017

Community Organizes

  • New Thread – PIECoin Reboot
  • New Website – www.piecoin.net
  • New Twitter – @PIE_Coin
  • Updated on CoinMarketCap

Mid June 2017

PIE on Yobit

  • Add PIE on Yobit
  • Introduce PIE to new people
  • Grow the Community
  • Increase in the number of PIE users

Late June 2017

Open Conversation

  • Start an Open Conversation
  • Discuss future steps and direction of PIE
  • Release of new wallet
  • Preparation for Masternodes
  • Fixation of max PIE supply
  • Social sending

July 2017

Early Development

  • Android wallet and web wallet for PIE master nodes
  • Collection of donation from the community
  • Development and payment to devs from donation
  • Website translations for the Chinese market
    ( Cantonese, Mandarin & Wu )

August - October 2017

Main Development

  • Development of social sending
  • Develop PIE into a mainstream way to transfer money directly to a social address, facebook, twitter, Gmail, WhatsApp and much more

Make Your Voice Heard

Our great strength, an unfailing community ; Always present to help, to listen, to give his opinion, to have fun! Find us on the biggest networks!

They Accept Your PIEs


Cryptocurrency Information Portal

Rockin' Prices


Vuco's Vape
